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GiveWP’s Settings page controls the global configuration of how your forms interact with Gateways, send emails, and sets the defaults for the display of your forms.

The Settings page contains the most amount of configurations and options of anywhere else on the site.

The Settings page is organized according to the following tabs:

General — The General Tab allows for configuration of currency settings, Access control, Sequential ordering, and the main GiveWP pages set up at activation.

Payment Gateways — This tab also allows you to enable and configure your Payment Gateways, as well as set GiveWP into “Test Mode” to test gateways without real money.

Default Options — This tab allows you to configure site-wide or “global” default settings, some of which are able to be overridden on a per-form basis.

Emails — This tab allows you to customize the various emails that are sent automatically when donations are made. This includes emails to donors and to site admins, among others.

Advanced — This tab includes advanced settings intended primarily for developers. These settings control how donors access their information, how data is managed if you delete the GiveWP plugin, disabling the “the_content()” filter on GiveWP single form pages, and moving all GiveWP scripts to the footer. Use these settings with caution and only if you know exactly what to expect and how to reverse it.

Last updated 2 years ago

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